Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Moment In Time

I learnt about writing a moment in time about a  squirrel and a hawk using descriptive language.

I enjoyed watching the video because it was funny at the end when the squirrel looked out of the hole.

It was hard to choose either the squirrel or the hawk because they are both clever and funny.

It was easy to write the paragraph because you just need to write in the squirrel perspective or the hawk perspective.

Next time I will put lot's more of descriptive words and sentences.

Monday, November 23, 2020

What Xmas Means To Me

I learnt about what Xmas means to me and how fun it is for others.

I enjoyed making the window because it's fun making small things.

It was challenging to do the writing because there are so many things to write about.

It was easy to make the room because it is only the inside of a cube.

Next time I will make the room more detailed.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Media Graphic

I learnt how to get through the slideshow because I didn't really understand them and where to find really good quotes.

I enjoyed finding the background because it is one of the best things to do because there are so many of them.

It was challenging to get through the slideshow because I didn't understand the instructions that well

It was easy to find a quote and background because the good ones stand out more than the others.

next time I will put a lot more time into it to make it more detailed.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Fireworks Poem

I learnt about writing acrostic poems and fireworks this is what you do to make them : use a word like fireworks and put the in a straight line going downwards and write sentences about the word that you use.

I enjoyed coming up with the sentences because it is fun to write things of the top of your and to make things up that make sense.

It was challenging to find backgrounds because they make it hard to see the words so it was this background that I went with.

It was easy to come up with b a n g b o o m because the fireworks normally sound like that.

next time I will make my sentences longer so you can enjoy it more and visit my blog more.