Thursday, June 17, 2021

Natural Disaster Survival Kit

We were learning to make a survival kit for a natural disaster to help people survive the disaster and its dangers.

I found it easy to make the first aid kit with the shapes and that's the same with radio and I also liked doing all the word art.

I found it hard to polyline the torch for some reason because I just couldn't get it right.

Next time I will add more stuff so you have a better chance of surviving the natural disaster you come up against.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Cold Air Balloon

We were Learning to make a cold air balloon, to make it all we needed to do was get a table spoon of baking soda and put it into the balloon and put a half a cup of vinegar into the bottle and carefully fit the balloon over the neck of the bottle and let the baking soda fall into the vinegar and then watch the balloon inflate.

I found it easy to understand the science behind the experiment.

I found it hard to wait to the next time we do the experiment because we are going to try blow the balloon up!!!

Next time I will try do it at home and at some friends houses as well.

here's a link to check the pro's cold air balloon

How it works, when vinegar and baking soda mix, an endothermic reaction occurs. This produces carbon dioxide which inflates the balloon. The endothermic chemical reaction will also lower the temperature in the area surrounding the vinegar and baking soda so significantly that you will be able to easily notice the change in temperature.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Balloon Rocket

We were learning to make a balloon rocket to fly down a piece of string.

I found it easy to tape the balloon onto the string fly to the other person.

I found it hard to hold the end of the string because it keeps on slipping out of my hand.

Next time I will try doing it with a different type of balloon or I could do a different type of string.

How it works, our rocket blast balloon demonstrates Newton’s Third Law of Motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When we release the balloon, the pressurized air in the balloon pushes against the air around the balloon sending it in the opposite direction down the string.

Should Or SHouldn't We Be Prepared For A Natural Disaster

 We were learning to write a piece of persuasive writing about, "is it important to be prepared for a natural disaster."

I found it easy to find the facts to help me to structure my writing because our teacher linked some sites that we could use, we could also find our information ourself.

I found it hard to find the right words to use to describe my reasons about my piece of writing.

Next time I will try use more connectives to improve my writing skills.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Milk Explosion

 we were learning to create a explosion of colour in milk, if you want to have a try this experiment check out this link

I found it easy to push lightly down with this soap on the cotton bud down on the milk to make the colours spread out.

I found it hard to not spill the milk onto the carpet so it didn't stain.

next time I will use a different type of milk and see if it has the same reaction.

What happened was, Milk is mostly water, but it also contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and tiny droplets of fat suspended in solution. Fats and proteins are sensitive to changes in the surrounding solution (the milk).