Friday, April 16, 2021

Logo About Me

 We were learning to create a logo with mote to show what we think about ourselves and our hobbies.

I found it easy to polyline the images and colouring them because it's really fun to polyline and I like coloring because you have a lot of colours to choose from.

I found it hard to install the mote because classroom is talking a bit and so I went outside to do it.

I enjoyed looking at my friends so I could get an idea then ask them if I could borrow that idea and then put it into my slide.

Next time I will add more things to express myself more and make it more detailed.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Camp Kaitawa Animation

We were learning to create an animation about camp kaitawa and answer some questions about it but it couldn't be to informative because if the year 5's saw it camp wouldn't be as fun.

I found it hard to choose what to do for the animation so I settled on kayaking, I chose the part when Mr Barclay was pushing us down the blue pontoon into the lake.

I found it easy to polyline the kayak and the me on the kayak and that was easy because I like doing polyline and this is my third year using it.

I enjoyed working out with my friends what the best part of camp was, here are mine : Kayaking, Obstacle course and going to the caves.

Next time I will write twice as much and give more rich words. I might try to make the paddle move.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


We were learning to write a environmental poem about sunflowers and then publish it into slides and posting it to our blog.

I found it easy to chose the rich words from looking at sunflower that Mrs Bava brought in to show us.

I found it hard to choose what sort of font, colour and size that suited the background.

I enjoyed looking at the sunflowers that Mrs Bava brought in from her garden to help us with rich words. 

Next time I will use more rich words and might even add some mote (audio). 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

PB4L Logo

I was learning about how to insert a mote into a google slide and how logos represent jobs, businesses ect.

I found it hard to find the words to explain what the logo is about, because there is a lot of words to explain what friendship means and what it is all about.

I found it easy to create the people holding hands with curved lines and shapes.

I really enjoyed deciding what to do as my logo and I have a lot of friends so I chose to do something about friendship.

Next time I will add more detail to my mote and I might add two if I need to.


We were learning about writing a recount about the tryathlon that we had at Churchill Park. I didn't do it because I had a injured foot.

I found it easy to publish my writing into slides and find images to show what part of the triathlon the paragraph is talking about. 

I found it challenging to write all of the paragraphs in one writing session, and I wanted to do both team and individual.

Next time I will add more rich words and take out the 'boring' words to make it more interesting.